USA: LiveStrong vs. Barkstrong

Die gelben Hunde- und Katzenhalsbänder mit den Aufschriften “Barkstrong” und “Purrstrong” der Animal Charity Collar Group Inc. sind der Lance Armstrong Foundation ein Dorn im Auge. Man sieht die Schutzrechte an den bekannten “LiveStrong” Armbändern verletzt.


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Is LAF spending money on lawyers instead of research?

Animal Charity Collar Group a Tulsa based company faces a dilemma with the threat of a lawsuit from the Lance Armstrong Foundation. In July of 2005 Chris Ohman, CEO of the Animal Charity Collar Group approached and met with Jeff Manning of the LAF concerning a concept to produce animal collars with the LIVESTRONG trademark. The LAF passed on the idea according to Ohman, “Jeff Manning sited the decision to pass was the LAF thought the idea would dilute the foundation’s mission of human cancer research”.

Prior to his meeting with the Armstrong Foundation Chris Ohman had filed for trademark protection with his own word mark’s, BARKSTRONG and PURRSTRONG (dog’s and cat’s respectively). Ohman further protected his idea with a design patent for pet collars that included both of the Trademark’s he filed for and the LIVESTRONG mark to prevent anyone from infringing on any one or all of the trademarks.

The Tulsa based company; Animal Charity Collar Group has been marketing the collars to raise money for local animal welfare groups. “We have been very well received by the rescue groups and humane societies/SPCA” said Ohman. “The primary goal is to develop a model fund raising program for the animal welfare groups to follow” states Ohman as he explains how the product line is being further developed. Now they are in jeopardy of losing money fighting a lawsuit that could help the animal charities.

Strangely enough the Armstrong Foundation has recently started offering a pet collar on their website. This comes while being “on notice” from the July 05’ meeting with Chris Ohman, of the patent pending status of his idea “which is fact and not disputed”.

The questions arise in how well foundations like the LAF are being run? Is it ethical to promote you mission receiving good will and financial support from the public in your organization but spending valuable resources suing other groups that also try to help others? How willing is the public to support activity and decisions like this?
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If you would like further information about this issue, or to set up a interview with Chris Ohman, please contact (918)-830-0808/ email- reference:

Council for LAF
DLA Piper San Francisco, CA.

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